Saturday, January 7, 2012

Three Kings of Orient Are...

Three Kings Day!!??  What in the world - walking out of public school and into Catholic Teaching comes with its challenges.  I attended public school in my up bringing, and while I know and believe in the doctrines of the church, these "little" days that I was not brought up celebrating throw me for a loop!  I think I recovered pretty well after my initial balk at Epiphany - what in the world is that!!  A little bit of time on Google, and I was up to speed and ready to rock my Kinders worlds.
So this week for Three Kings Day  we made crowns, did some writing projects and hid a baby Jesus in a cake for the kids to find.  Lucky for me that I stumbled on this incredible blog from a Catholic homeschool mom (she's incredible and has AMAZING ideas!-
My only regret is that we got so wrapped up in focusing on the Epiphany that we never discussed New Years and goals!  (I guess it's better late then never!) So next we'll have to do that fun!